Artificial intelligence (AI) is driving the future of machine- enabled functions. This bleeding- edge technology allows machines to function with a much higher level of autonomy, leading to efficient execution of multiple iterative tasks at the same time. A recent study shows that a newly developed technology called ‘Artificial Intelligence Lab’ is set to revolutionize the way research scientists do experiments on an industrial scale.
Researchers at Columbia University and Stanford University recently completed a project to program a robotic arm to serve as a sorting machine, sorting paper into several different types of paper. The machine is so programmed that it can discern the type of paper based on how humans sorted the paper and then sort out the papers based on their weight. In other words, it sorts the paper based on how humans would sort the same paper. However, unlike a real sorting machine, the robotic arm is not programmed to use any sort of memory or to remember previous sorting methods. Instead, it is programmed to simply sort through the paper based on pre-programmed parameters.
This innovative system is just one among a growing number of AI technologies that enable machines to perform basic tasks much more efficiently than what humans can. This is particularly true when it comes to sorting and storing large volumes of data. In fact, this latest innovation is just the beginning. Experts are now considering self-driving cars, robots that vacuum floors, washing machines that sort and defrost clothes, and more. As these intelligent machines become more sophisticated, they will undoubtedly have a wide range of applications. However, as long as humans continue to control the artificial intelligence that they are given, the future of automation is sure to usher in an era of unprecedented control and efficiency.
”The pace of progress in artificial intelligence (I’m not referring to narrow AI) is incredibly fast. Unless you have direct exposure to groups like Deepmind, you have no idea how fast—it is growing at a pace close to exponential. The risk of something seriously dangerous happening is in the five-year time frame. 10 years at most.
Elon Musk
One of the most exciting areas of research in artificial intelligence is to develop machines that can think, reason, and learn like a human brain. Currently, such machines are in short supply. Humans are good at all three and often much better at each of them than machines. Thus, creating an artificial intelligence system that can beat the best human at all three requires an investment in knowledge and training.
Unfortunately, many in the field of artificial intelligence do not see machine learning as a practical option. Instead, they see it as something that will be able to take over jobs that are currently performed by humans and make those tasks obsolete. However, if people start to accept that machine learning will someday perform similar work as human workers, they may eventually come to realize that the time to invest in machine learning is before those jobs become obsolete.
Over time, machine learning will begin to replace many traditional jobs. Experts predict that in ten to twenty years, it will be common place for machines to do most of the tasks that traditionally require human beings to do. However, as machine learning systems continue to become more accurate and humans improve their reasoning abilities, robots may still have a primary role to play. In the meantime, it is important that people accept the advantages of artificial intelligence and work to make the technology a reality instead of rejecting it as a ridiculous fantasy.
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