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Livemote is the world’s most innovative platform for managing remote tasks and business processes.
How many times have you wanted to teleport to solve a problem, how many times have you wanted a software to track remote interventions today you can do all this thanks to new technologies such as augmented reality and applications like livemote.

For companies that manage a network of installers or maintainers Livemote empowers field operators to improve remote assistance, the application tracks all interventions and allows you to call an expert to address problems in real time.
The user in the field can then send images and videos, ask for assistance, take notes and measurements to send to the expert who in real time can help find and solve the problem.
Livemote tracks the entire intervention from the on-site check-in, to the signature of the workorder closure, all in one smart platform.

Empower field operator with Livemote’s augmented reality and improve remote deployments and support.

Livemote is the suite that allows a complete management of tasks and business processes, for companies interested only in a part of this process it is possible to buy only the “resolve” or “teleport” version.

Livemote Resolve was created to allow autonomous management of processes, for all those who perform repetitive tasks with this solution will be able to manage automated workflows, access manuals and video tutorials and store each step of the intervention.

Livemote Teleport, on the other hand, was created for those who need a remote collaboration with potential superior to the classic video call.
Thanks to augmented reality it will be possible to share images between multiple users, take notes and measurements.

Livemote is also innovative in the user experience, no more long forms to fill out, no more incomprehensible applications, Livemote was designed by experts who have been creating mobile applications for more than twenty years.
By now we are all used to using whatsapp or telegram, Livemote uses the chat interface to manage the entire process.

Thanks to the support of a chatbot (mr. Livemote) it will be possible to set workflows and receive suggestions thanks to artificial intelligence.